After graduating from Columbia Business School, Meg’s further developed skills in systematic problem-solving methodologies at McKinsey & Company’s Dallas office.

When she co-founded a boutique strategic management consulting firm, the service offerings were expanded to include data-driven “People First” assessments through her partnership with TTI Success Insights.

The 7-Stages of Growth strengthened her ability to dive deeper into root causes and advise business owners and leaders whose strategic initiatives had gotten off track or stalled.

Client testimonial:

“Whenever our leadership team becomes caught up talking at cross purposes, we hit the pause button and hire Meg to get us out of our non-productive circular loop. Her facilitation style always diffuses our defensiveness. She has a gift for making us open to looking at all options on the table. Meg suggests new approaches and aligns our leadership group around answers that help us set a direction.”

Meg’s certifications are:

• TTI Success Insights assessments: Behavioral and Communications (DISC), Motivators: Driving Forces, and Emotional Intelligence
• 7 Stages of Business Growth through Flashpoint!

Meg is also a practicing artist with a passion for the visual arts, museums, and quiet time in her studio.